How to obtain a Public Service Vehicle (PSV) License
- Aug
- 20
- Posted by HelpYetu
- Posted in eCitizen Services Online
Kenya – Obtain a Public Service Vehicle (PSV) License
How to obtain a Public Service Vehicle (PSV) License

Apply In-Person:
- Drivers Application Procedure (Taxi, Institution, Matatu and Individuals)
- A driver applying for public service vehicle license in Kenya should be twenty four years and over and have over four years of experience in driving in Kenya or abroad.
- To obtain a public service license in Kenya, a driver should fill a form XVI which is taken to Traffic Police Department in Nairobi (located in Upper Hill near Kenyatta National hospital) for certification.
- Ksh 50 is charged or certification of Form XVI
- The receipt obtained from the Traffic Police Department should be taken to Road Transport Department in Nairobi which is located in Times Tower in Nairobi
- The following documents should be accompanied with Form XVI
- A certificate of good conduct from the Criminal Investigation Department [CID]
- A copy of national identity card
- Driving license of one who is applying.
- Receipt of payment for certification.
- A Prescribed fee of KSH 625 is paid by the applicant to obtain PSV licence, the payment is made to the Road Transport Department in Times Towers in Nairobi.
- For drivers in Kenya obliged to drive class E-apply for Class J Matatu endorsement the one obliged to Drive class B, C and E is required to apply for class A endorsement.
- Matatu Conductors Application
- Requirements or obtaining a conductor PSV licence include the flowing;
- One must be of 18 years and above,
- have a copy of national identity card
- Have a certificate of good conduct from the Criminal Investigation Department in Kenya.
- To obtain a public service license in Kenya, a conductor should fill a Form XVII which is taken to Traffic Police Department in Nairobi (located in Upper Hill near Kenyatta National hospital) for certification.
- Ksh 50 is charged or certification of Form XVI
- The receipt obtained from the Traffic Police Department should be taken to Road Transport Department in Nairobi which is located in Times Tower in Nairobi
- A Prescribed fee of KSH 625 is paid by the applicant to obtain PSV licence, the payment is made to the Road Transport Department in Times Towers in Nairobi.
Apply On-line :
- Visit the National Transport and Safety Authority Website NTSA and under the Quick links section click on th PSV licence applications.
- Create account with NTS by filling in your names and ID number.
- Wait for the site to register your details and proceeded input more required information so as to complete registration. This information includes
- Mobile number
- You are also required to upload a recent passport photograph(Then Click on the create account icon so as to create account)
- Now log in into your new created account
- Select approved licencing status and click on new application then chose the application type you want to make;
- PSV Driver application
- PSV Conductor Application
- Institution Driver Application form
- Taxi Driver Application form
- Fill in the required details in the generated form. The details include:
- link to Sacco/ Institution/ Employer
- Update licence photo
- Physical address
- P.O.Box address
- Attach good conduct
- Drivers licence number
- Licence collection point
- Click net to go to payment section. Select payment method and proceed to pay. Methods of payment include
- M-pesa/ Debit/ Credit / Prepaid card
- Airtel Money
- Mobikash
- E- agent
- Cash
- After payment confirm payment by clicking on the confirm payment icon.
- Click submit after confirming payment. Go to back the dash board and click my applications to review your application.
- If satisfied that the information is correct print your application and take it to the collection point to collect, you licence.
Required Documents
- A dully filled and signed Form XVI for drivers or Form XVII for conductors.
- Receipt of KSh 50 to be surrendered to the Road Transport Department
- A Certificate of good conduct obtained from Criminal Investigations Department (CID)
- Copy of applications National Identity card.
- Driving Licence of the applicant
- Passport photo
Office Locations & Contacts
Kenya Police Service, Traffic Department
Vigilance House, Harambee Avenue
Post Office Box 30083-00100
Nairobi, Kenya.
Telephone: Tel: (020) 341411/6/
Directorate of Criminal Investigations,
Mazingira House
Kiambu Road
Post Office Box 30036-00100
Nairobi, Kenya.
Telephone: Tel: 020-343312, 2603724
National Transport and Safety Authority
Hill Park Building; Upper Hill
Nairobi Kenya
P.O Box 3206 -00506 Nairobi
Safaricom: 0709 932 000
Telkom: 020 6632 000
For eCitizen queries
Safaricom Line: 0709 932 300
Telkom Line: 020 6632 300
Call Center
Safaricom Line: 0709 932 500
Telkom Line: 020 6632 500
- Valid certificate of good conduct issued to the effect that a person is fit and proper to hold a license
- Holder of class ABCE or J (for drivers)
- Must have experience of four (4) years of continuous driving (for drivers) Prior to application
- Above the age of twenty four (24) years (for drivers)
- Above the age eighteen (18) years (for conductors)
- Must be cleared by the Sacco/Company
- Certification fee of application forms Ksh 50
- Processing fee of the PSV license Ksh 625
- The PSV documents is valid for two years from date of issue
Documents to Use
Form XVI- Driver Application for PSV : Form XVI
Post Tagged with how do i get a psv licence in kenya?, how much is a psv taxi licence, How to obtain a Public Service Vehicle (PSV) License, Kenya - Obtain a Public Service Vehicle (PSV) License, psv application fee kenya, psv driver jobs in kenya, psv online, psv vehicle requirements kenya, qualifications for a psv license in kenya, requirements for psv driving license in kenya
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