How to renew your driving license online in Kenya
- Jun
- 06
- Posted by HelpYetu
- Posted in eCitizen Services Online
How to renew your driving license online in Kenya

One of the most important documents any motorist in transit is required to have worldwide is a driving license. In Kenya, police stop hundreds of motorists every day and ask for the driving license. For motorists who haven’t carried their licenses, hefty fines are incurred and sometimes might end up in court. However, most motorists forget to check the expiry dates for the driving licenses.
Renewing licenses was hectic in the past. Motorists would have to queue for long hours at the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) to either get their licenses or for renewal purposes. The good news is; you can now renew your driving license from the comfort of your location as long as you can access the internet. The National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) has made it easy for motorists to renew their licenses online, and the process will take you about 10 minutes.
Here’s how to renew your driving license online.
Log on to NTSA TIMs account. You will be required to register for an account if you do not have one. Click here to create account.
Once you are on the homepage, click on the ‘get service’ at the NTSA section.

You will be redirected to the NTSA dashboard where you can view all the applications you have made. Click on ‘Make application’.
Once you’ve done that, click on driving licenses and choose your preferred option.

If you want a one-year license renewal, you will be charged a total of Sh 600 plus the NTSA convenience fee, which is Sh50.

For those who want a three-year license renewal, you will be charged Sh1400, plus the convenience fee bringing the total to Sh1450.

The next step is to double-check the information you have keyed in, then click ‘apply now.’ You will then be asked to select your preferred mode of payment that is, debit or credit card, or mobile money such as M-pesa. Also, book an appoitment at the huduma centre where you’ll collect the license. The last step is to print your driving renewal license slip.
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